Check out some of my projects...

a pub quiz app screenshot

Dictionary App

An app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React. The app connects to a dictionary API and an image library API. In addition to the definition of the word searched for, it returns the phonetic spelling and an audio of the pronunciation. Below the definition, it returns an image gallery for the term searched for.

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React Weather App

An app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and React. The app connects to a weather API and returns the weather and a five day forecast for the city searched for. The weather code is retrieved from the API and is used to display the correct image for the weather type.

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a world clock app screenshot
a pub quiz app screenshot

AI Pub Quiz Question Generator

An app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The app connects to an AI API and returns three quiz questions and answers on the topic provided by the user. The data is displayed using a JS typewriter plugin. The page layout adjusts to accommodate the questions and answers as they are ‘typed’.

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World Clock Timezone App

An app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The app connects to Moment.js and Moment Timezone and returns the correct date, time and timezone. The difference from the current timezone is also included as a useful feature, and on the homepage the seconds are kept up to date.

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a world clock app screenshot
a weather forecast app screenshot

Weather Forecast App

An app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The app connects to a weather API and returns the weather data for whatever city is searched for. It includes a six day forecast.

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AI Irish Poem Generator

An app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The app connects to an AI API and returns a poem based on the user’s search term. The poem is displayed using a JS typewriter plugin, first in Irish, and then translated into English.

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an AI Irish poem generator screenshot


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